New Zealand


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Google Earth Wellington City, New Zealand Satellite Maps

3d view/aerial satellite map view/ / map of Wellington, New Zealand

Google Earth Gisborne, New Zealand Satellite Maps

3d view/aerial satellite map view/ / map of Gisborne, New Zealand

Google Earth Christ Church, NZ Satellite View

is second largest city of , Recently was in news because of Earch quakes occurred at this place. An earthquake of magnitude 6.3 occurred on 22 February 2011 at 12:51pm, epicenter on Lyttelton 10 kilometres south east at a depth of 5 km, resulted in 165 total casualities, and wide spread damage to buildings occurred.

The ground shaking as result of this quake is considered as one of the strongest ever recorded globally, because of the proximity and shallowness of epicenter and caused loss of water, power and sewage throughout the city. For the first time a National State of Emergency was declared to tackle the situation.

Even though had an earth quake of higher magnitude at 7.1 in the South Island, on Saturday 04:35 am local time, 4 September 2010, the earthquake occurred at a depth of 10 kilometres (6.0 miles), and there were no fatalities.

Earth 3d view/aerial satellite map view/hybrid satellite maps/road map of Christchurch,

Auckland, NZ Google Earth Satellite Maps View

Google Earth 3d view/aerial satellite map view/hybrid /road map of Auckland, New Zealand

Google Earth New Zealand Satellite maps

Google Earth / satellite view /road map/ hybrid map of New Zealand follows. In order to get Google earth 3d view, click google earth button.

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