United Kingdom


Local Weather Forecast United Kingdom

Local Weather of United Kingdom small flag of United Kingdom . Follow read more to view United Kingdom live weather forecast on Google satellite maps.

谷歌卫星地图 联合王国 (United Kingdom)

谷歌卫星地图 联合王国 小国旗 联合王国 . 按照阅读更多 谷歌查看 联合王国 的卫星地图。

Google Satellite Maps de United Kingdom

Mapas de satélite do Google de United Kingdom small flag of United Kingdom .Siga ler mais para ver mapas do Google por satélite.

Google Satellite Maps of United Kingdom

Google satellite maps of United Kingdom small flag of United Kingdom . Follow read more to view United Kingdom Google satellite maps.

Adele Youtube Videos Most Viewed

* Adele performing in  Seattle  2011

* Adele 21 Album Cover
I haven't uploaded new covers almost a month, so during the evening I made 3 covers for Adele's "21". This ablum is so amazing, and now, I understand why people keep buying it on iTunes. 
So, this is my the most favorite work I did during the evening! I really love the color and it was so difficult to make the background, because of her hair, but I'm proud of it. Hope you like it!
* Images courtesy Flickr.com and its vibrant members

Please wait while Youtube Videos of Adele load in 3D Video Wall below, press mouse and drag to see more videos. Bookmark this page (bookmarking tools at the top of this webpage) to comeback later. Continue reading to see unlimited Adele Youtube Videos.

Google earth map Turnberry Golf Course

Google earth map showing Turnberry,Maidens Road,Ayrshire, KA26 9LT,scotland, United Kingdom follows

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