geographical area calculator


Verification of accuracy of Geographical Area Calculator

Here we will verify the accuracy of the Geographical/land/plot/region Area calcultor tool, usage of which is explained in this post. We will start with a small area and then go to the more spacious structures for area measurement
Let us start with Washington monument in Washington, it has a 17*17 sq meter base, so the area is 289 square meter, when measured with our tool, the area obtained is 291 square meters, we can say that its a reasonable result considering the time spent for measurement (less than a minute). Continue reading, you can see that the pyramid of Giza area is correctly calculated by this tool. At the end of reading, please spare some time and comment on your views about this tool

Washington Monument

washington monument in washington

Washington monument marked in the satellite maps geographical tool for area measurement

washington monument structure base area 17x17 , 282 sq m

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