
Google Streetview of Niagra falls (american falls and horse shoe falls canada)

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Google has made available its popular street view service in niagra falls region in canada.

A snapshot from google street view showing the niagra horse shoe falls in canada
google street view image of niagra falls (horse shoe falls in canada), click to get full screen veiw

google streetview image showing niagra falls in america (american falls and bridal veil falls), also is visible the rainbow bridge across niagra river
google street view image showing nigra falls (american falls and bridal veil falls), also visible is rainbow bridge across niagra river

click read more to see the google street veiw of niagra falls.

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Google now hits mapping

Google now hits mapping sites. Like in Egypt where King Tut's body has been found. History buffs and archeology fans alike will probably meet in Manhattan to view the King Tut exhibit that hasn't been in Manhattan since 1979.