Free stuff is always great, specifically when you're staying in a hotel. You're spending money on the continental breakfast, but were you aware that you're spending money on a number of toiletries and sundries, too? Don't leave them behind! Discover what to lawfully take from your hotel room when you leave, because it could save you money. Resource for this article: What to take from your hotel room to save cash Avoid extra toothpaste costs Every time you travel, you should be able to get toothpaste from your hotel. If you cannot find a tube in your room, you can get one from the desk attendant. Just throw the toothpaste into your overnight bag, and you also will never have to buy toothpaste again. This only works for a frequent traveler though. Getting the right soap Hotel rooms are sure to leave you with a lot of soap. You can use the soap in your luggage to make it smell nicer or just use it on your skin in the shower. The quality of the soap will depend on the hotel, but it might be worth picking up the soap at every room. The shampoo and conditioner may also be worth taking. Freshen your spending budget with installment loans In case you are going to a Third World country, you might like to take the soap out of your hotel room and just give it away, according to My Little Nomads. Take the mouthwash Complimentary travel-sized bottles of mouthwash could save you a lot of money over time. It can also help you make the right impression if you're somehow at a club and have forgotten to brush your teeth. It's a minty-fresh wing-man in your pocket! Free way to shave If you do not take the disposable security razors when you come across them at hotels, you cannot say you are being frugal. They are a fantastic thing to choose up for free. You can also get small shaving cream and moisturizer containers if you find them. They are good to have for long flights. Periodicals