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Vishwanathan Anand Retains the title winning in Tie-breaker Rapid Games

Vishwanathan Anand is World Chess champion for the Fifth time. Anand won the world chess title for the fourth championship, altogether five titles in the Tie-breaker rapid games. The tiebreaker became necessary when both players shared 6-6 points after predefined 12 classical games.

vishanathan anand in world chess championship 2012 tie breaker rapid game play

Viva Anand, he has won the World chess title for India, the Birth place of Chess, for the fifth time. Yet it seems that the media in India have not covered the World chess Championship exclusively, while giving excessive media coverage to a Cricket league match (for those who don't know, Cricket is a lazy man's game played in around 10 countries mostly in British common wealth countries), not surprising considering Cricket is the most popular game in India.

Since India does not have many international quality sport persons, it is high time Indian Media and Government should think serious about giving due respect to a India's best sports person and a true world champion.

Jackiechan Youtube Videos

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Justin Bieber Youtube Videos

Justin Bieber Quick Info and Facts

Justin Bieber Birthday : 1st March 1994
How old is Justin Bieber : 17
Nationality : Canadian
Birth Place : Ontario
Father : Jeremy Jack Bieber (Remarried)
Religion: Christian
Childhood Favorite Games : hockey, soccer, and chess

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