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Adele Youtube Videos Most Viewed

* Adele performing in  Seattle  2011

* Adele 21 Album Cover
I haven't uploaded new covers almost a month, so during the evening I made 3 covers for Adele's "21". This ablum is so amazing, and now, I understand why people keep buying it on iTunes. 
So, this is my the most favorite work I did during the evening! I really love the color and it was so difficult to make the background, because of her hair, but I'm proud of it. Hope you like it!
* Images courtesy and its vibrant members

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Justin Bieber Youtube Videos

Justin Bieber Quick Info and Facts

Justin Bieber Birthday : 1st March 1994
How old is Justin Bieber : 17
Nationality : Canadian
Birth Place : Ontario
Father : Jeremy Jack Bieber (Remarried)
Religion: Christian
Childhood Favorite Games : hockey, soccer, and chess

More Facts,website,mother, songs,albums,tour info and Videos Follows,
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Know what ails your motor with GL1 and an iPhone

iPhone users, did you understand that it is simple and inexpensive to plug into your car's to understand the engine diagnostic codes?.

Apple claims that iPhone software update will fix antenna issues

The iPhone 4 reception continued Friday. The announced the iPhone 4 antenna issue could be remedied with a simple iPhone software update.

Nokia Sues Apple A Second Time

Nokia Sues Apple ... Again

In the market, Nokia and Apple are the two siblings that just can't seem to get along. For years, Nokia has sued Apple over multiple years and issues. In response, Apple has been counter-suing Nokia. What’s the issue? The companies have invested online cash loans – over 40 billion dollars worth. So what is the newest move in this chess game?

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