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Smartphones and smart phones fit our modern pace like a glove. Having access to the Internet at all times and all places seems almost essential in this ever more technical world.
Cellphone spying explained Be Alert, Nowadays there are many sites which gives paid service for spying cellphones. |
Google Gadgets are free tiny applications embeddable in web pages.
Above is screen shot of google gadget which allows to read 34 extremely useful mobile related feeds from a limited space. Useful for people and users who like to get updated about latest trends in mobile technology.This google gadget allows to read 34 great mobile feeds with out page load by using ajax technology.
Click more to get some very Useful Google gadgets like this. To get code for embedding these gadgets on to your web pages, click on live preview, which will redirect to Google's creator page, from there one can customise gadget and get code for embedding that particular gadget in to any web page. Google users can add these gadgets to their igoogle page, for this click on add to google icon, and follow instructions.
Microsoft Dynamics CRM* its a CRM package (Customer relationship management ) in MS Dynamics suite ( MS Dynamics is a combination of 4 Enterprise resource planning suites ) |
3G usb Mobile modems ( 3G data cards ) are latest trend which is unavoidable for dataconnectivity during travel. 3G Data Card prices are coming day by day. Bsnl largest mobile service provider in India have attractive offers and even unlimited data offers for 3g, but still most of users prefer limited connections. Finding BSNL 3G data balance was not easy from datacard until now. Recently bsnl made 3G data usage balance check more easy. Read more to find how to check bsnl 3G data usage balance. |
3G usb modems ( 3G data cards ) are getting increasingly popular which is a bless while travel. 3G Data Cards are becoming low cost day by day. |
3G or 3rd generation is the latest wireless high speed internet solution. Its predessor 2G couldn't meet the wireless highspeed internet requirements of current day applications which resulted in 3g. |
A new poll asks what we are not willing to surrender saving money. It seems the majority of us will keep out technology, even in a recession. Cellular and the Internet have grown to be vital to us in this technological age.
Latest version of firefox, world's best browser ( it is considered as world's best browser, by a vast majority of people who consider browser as their every day pal and as a tool for various web activities ) was downloded 2.5 million times in half a day beating IE 9, latest version of Internet Explorer version's download rate of 2.3 million in 24 hours. |
The iPhone 4 reception continued Friday. The announced the iPhone 4 antenna issue could be remedied with a simple iPhone software update.
Nokia Sues Apple ... Again In the market, Nokia and Apple are the two siblings that just can't seem to get along. For years, Nokia has sued Apple over multiple years and issues. In response, Apple has been counter-suing Nokia. What’s the issue? The companies have invested online cash loans – over 40 billion dollars worth. So what is the newest move in this chess game?
Google has introduced new feature called Google Buzz in its popular email service Gmail. Buzz allows users to post messages, links, images, videos, audio files, other files interesting to them and share with others. |
Google has introduced its popular google street view (ironically there is no street, only ice ) service in various skiing locations and winter game locations. More follows |
Google Gadgets: 34 Great Mobile Feeds |