The iPhone 4 reception continued Friday. The announced the iPhone 4 antenna issue could be remedied with a simple iPhone software update. Apparently there is no reception problem at all, according to Apple. Defective software resulted in an inaccurate representation of signal strength. The screen shows different bars than there really is. Since the reception is weak to begin with, gripping the phone by its lower right side further obscures the signal. Not every person believes this. Post resource: Apple claims that iPhone software update will fix antenna issues by Personal Money Store iPhone software update -- with a catch A media storm started when complaints multiplied from iPhone 4 owners devastated that their ultimate gadget lost reception when held a certain way, which became known as the "death grip." Apple dismissed the complaints at first. Then the Apple/AT and T class action lawsuits started rolling in. Apple has officially admitted that the iPhone 4 antenna issue exists. The company says there can be a software update soon – with a catch. Although signal strength may be more accurately represented, it won't do anything about the reception issues that angry iPhone 4 users are going through now. Apple wants to sell iPhone covers At first, Apple issued a formal statement saying $ 30 protective bumpers can lessen the reception issue. The problem occurs when a user's bare skin bridges the two antennas that are within the edge of the phone. There are a couple of other covers that cost less. According to, for $ 14.95, a product called GelaSkins are effective in preventing the iPhone 4 death grip issue. But according to Engadget, the yellow Lance Armstrong Livestrong rubber bracelet works just also, and it's only a buck. AT and T will be thrown under the bus by Apple A note on Apple's website details the company's official position on the iPhone 4 death grip issue. Rob Pegoraro who is from The Washington Post reports that Apple "gracefully throws AT and T under the bus," insisting the iPhone 4 antenna reception issue isn't a hardware problem." Apple said, the company was stunned to discover that AT and T’s formula to calculate how bars displayed signal strength is "totally wrong." Applied to the 3GS and iPhone 3G will be the iPhone update. Apparently the AT and T bug affects them too, although none of those iPhone owners hired lawyers to file lawsuits about it. Tests question wisdom of iPhone software update There are many who don’t agree with Apple’s explanation of their problem. According to Apple Insider a New York business owner said just touching the bottom left of the phone would cause a call to drop within 10 seconds, in plain view of the cell tower. The iPhone 4 gets the best reception than any other phone also. However, the tests also determined that cupping the iPhone 4 tightly can result in a loss of 24.6 dB of signal. The tests also certainly proved the iPhone cover lessened the effects of the iPhone 4 death grip dramatically. Apple iPhone software update or Apple iPhone bumper? Stay tuned ... Discover more about this topic here: CNN Rob Pegoraro at The Washington Post Apple Insider