
Google Bukittinggi Satellite Maps with Google Earth View

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jam gadang big clock tower in Bukittinggi, as shown in google earth
jam gadang big clock tower in Bukittinggi, Indonesia as seen in google earth

Bukittinggi means in Indonesian language "high hill" is one of the larger cities in West Sumatra, Indonesia, which is 90 km by road distance from the West Sumatran capital city of Padang. It is having a population of over 91,000 people and an area of 25.24 km².

It is a city popular with tourists due to the climate and easy accessibility. Attractions within and around the city follows:
*Sianok Canyon
* Ngarai Sianok (Sianok Canyon)
* Lobang Jepang (Japanese Caves) - a network of underground bunkers and tunnels built by the Japanese during World War II
* Jam Gadang - a large clock tower built by the Dutch .
* Taman Bundo Kanduang park. The Dutch hilltop outpost Fort de Kock is connected to the zoo by the Limpapeh pedestrian pass.
* Museum Rumah Kelahiran Bung Hatta, the house where Indonesian founding father Mohammad Hatta was born, now a museum.

Nearby Tourist attractions include Lake Maninjau and the Harau Valley.

Google Earth 3d view/ satellite map view/hybrid satellite maps/road map of Bukittinggi, Indonesia

Location of Bukittinggi,Jam Gedang,Lobang Jepang (Japanese Caves),Ngarai Sianok (Sianok Canyon),Taman Bundo Kanduang park,Museum Rumah Kelahiran Bung Hatta in Indonesia map

Bukittinggi, Indonesia location map

Location of Bukittinggi,Jam Gedang,Lobang Jepang (Japanese Caves),Ngarai Sianok (Sianok Canyon),Taman Bundo Kanduang park,Museum Rumah Kelahiran Bung Hatta in World map (These are tourist attractions of Bukittinggi)

Bukittinggi,Jam Gedang,Japanese Caves,Ngarai Sianok ,Taman Bundo Kanduang park,Museum Rumah Kelahiran Bung Hatta in world map
